I've always been extremely neat and organized, almost neurotically so, except when it came to my sewing room. In there it seems that I've just never had the right kind of storage or enough of it, but I didn't really know what I needed or wanted. Things would pile up, I'd set things aside to sort "later" but we all know that later never gets here. Finally I got a new Billy bookcase from Ikea this week. Should have gotten it long ago, I'm so pleased with it!
I had a Billy bookcase from a few years ago and had all of my fabric stuffed into it, but it was just barely 24" wide and things didn't quite fold nicely without having to specially make room. Hard to explain, but it just didn't fit well. This new one is supposedly the same bookcase, but they're making them a tad wider now, and it's PERFECT!
So now I have Big Billy (new one), Little Billy (old one), and this little guy in the middle. The little one isn't an actual Billy Bookcase but I call him Baby Billy (he's adopted, don't tell him .. shhhhh!). I have some patterns in binders standing down at the bottom of Big Billy, and all of my fabric fits just right without having to fiddle with folding!

On Baby I have miscellaneous things, like pre-bought Christmas stuff on the bottom shelf there (I buy ahead when I see a good sale, never pass up a good deal!), business cards, brochures for #quiltchat and Quilts of Valour, notions, etc.
Little Billy holds my quilting magazines, books, and patterns, folders for QoV, Canucks stuff, freezer paper, wonder under, everything that was set aside to put away "later". Later came!

I have quite a few Ikea things in here actually, I could do an ad for them! Besides the Billies I have both of my tables, trash can, and wire drawers, all Ikea. The table in front of the window there is called Big Redlegs, because it has red legs and it's bigger than the other table. It's for doing all my cutting and designing patterns on. The smaller table against the wall is of course Little Redlegs, for obvious reasons. It has my sewing machine and thread storage. The ribbons I've won in various quilting competitions are displayed there next to the window. In the wire drawer unit under Big Redlegs I keep PHD's (Projects Half Done, aka UFO's), templates, freezer paper and cardboard for making templates. My scrap bin is under there too, just to the left of the basket thing.
I'm very pleased with my sewing room now. I can go in there and not feel overwhelmed with the clutter, there's a place for everything and everything is in its place. It will be very easy to keep it tidy from now on. Now I'm working on a wall-hanging to put up on the wall above my sewing machine.