Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Another one done!

Barely two months later and here we have another finished quilt!  I got this one from Wendy on March 18, but didn't have the batting to get it started until a week later, began actually quilting it on March 28 and put the last stitches in today.   It's from the book "In the Meadow" by Barb Adams and Alma Allen of Blackbird Designs.  The finished quilt is about 81"x81" and will hang in Wendy's living room.
 As usual, Wendy provided the quilt top, meaning she did all the lovely bird and leaves applique.  All different reds and greens on a scrappy background.   She does a great job with her applique, I always love the colours she chooses and the patterns are never boring.  She usually has a rough idea of what she wants me to quilt, but leaves most of it up to me.  It's great to have that kind of trust that I'll know what to do for each particular quilt. In this one I did some 1/4" outline stitching in and aound each bird and leaf, with feathers quilted in the birds' wings and tails and a vein through the centre of the larger leaves. 

Even after all of that there were still large gaps of empty space between the blocks, all around the birds.  I took each of those spaces as I came to them, quilting random shapes in each one just to fill the space.  For the border I copied the shapes of 3 different leaves, traced them around the border, then put 1" apart lines around them  One section of the border was a bit wavy so I did 4 "adjustments" to force it to lay flat.  I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I know Wendy will too.  She had gone on vacation and called me today to see how it's coming along.   Good timing, as I had the final corner left to quilt and finished that today.